Those dumbells served me well when I first started training.
I did have two 10lb plates, but one went missing somehow
My brother actually bought a Bench/Squat combo unit with a bar, down in the store room. He doesn't use it anymore so I guess I could probbaly take over it, but not enough plates.
Well I some synth demos here - these are not proper songs, just short rough demos to showcase some of the synths I have - Alesis Andromeda analog synth. Warning it's all pretty quirky electronic stuff
damn ccj! thats aweosome...i really like the music. Did you used to play piano\still play piano too? I play piano and would love to have one of those nifty keyboards
damn ccj! thats aweosome...i really like the music. Did you used to play piano\still play piano too? I play piano and would love to have one of those nifty keyboards
Thanks - I've been at this stuff for quite some time, on and off for a few years.
I'm actually self taught, lots of practise etc. I'm not good at playing live, bad timing, but I play well enough to write music/songs