just some minor headaches and a little kidney pain on 1 cap X's 3 times per day....dropped back to 1 cap X's twice per day and smooth sailing from there.
Glad Epi - worked for you, for me it is TOO strong!! I was taking it 1 cap 2x day along with 3 diesel (1 cap 3X day) and I spaced it all out to 5 even doses and the Epi still gave me headaches, upset stomach, all around uncomfortable sides (although not as bad as Beastdrol)
I am sticking with the Diesel 3 caps per day for a week (have run up to 4 / day with no sides) and then I may try adding in Epi 1 cap per day but not sure if 1 cap will do anything.
I may try a week or 2 epi only to see if still get sides but hate to come off Diesel - Hope I get no sides with Helladrol (I shouldn't because I ran K.drol with no sides and I am pretty sure K.drol is Tren + Helladrol -just at a lower amount)
Many people are skeptical then they realize epi is really that good. Anyone else that's on the fence about epi will also be pleasantly surprised at its potency.