funny that two things I started threads about in this forum resolved themselves today. Callie's wedding was today and I wore the hideoso $536 bridesmaid's dress and simultaneously Josh was at the airport getting rid of granny the bitch.
One thing I havent mentioned yet is that granny is worth 19 million dollars. Her deceased husband ran some sort of company his entire life and apparently did quite well. He died I think about 15 years ago and she sold it for quite a lot. Everyone in the family kind of kisses her ass since they're trying to stay in her will. Josh is supposed to be somewhere in line to inherit some of that. Anyway, apparently the old hoebag thinks I'm scheming to get some of her money, which is utter bullshit. I'd give myself a mastectomy with a rusty can opener before I'd take a single dollar of any money that came from her. She can kiss my brown, Mexican ass. And I was just busting to tell her that I live in a 3 storie, 8 bedroom house with my parents and that we are wealthy by most people's standards but I resisted stooping to that crap. I KNOW for sure that racism is part of it too since she didnt have as much of a problem with me when we first got together and granny assumed for some reason I was Italian when she met me.
Anyway, it'll be a long time, if ever, I see her miserable mug again. thank you Jesus.