LOL Frisco...I love your typo's! Ya know...most of the time I read your posts I don't even notice the typo's...I guess we think so much alike that I read what you mean to say anyway.

I've wanted a lift ever since I developed. Now if I was to just go with the lift I'd be down to an A or B cup, so that's why I'm getting the implants with the lift. I'm wide and little boobies just don't look good on me. You might be able to achieve the look you want with some small implants instead of a lift...implants alone are a much less invasive procedure than a lift.
Oicu812, the hood piercing is nothing, especially compared to the tongue! Think of it like this...the hood's skin is super the skin on your eyelid, so as far as pain goes, it's nothing, litterally a one second pinch with the needle, then another one second pinch when the barbell is pushed through. On a scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being the lowest, it was a 1. We got home that night and we were actually able to play with it a bit without any pain at all. No swelling in the days to follow either. Maintainence is minimal, just a little anitbacterial soap when you shower and turn it around a bit. It did take about 2 weeks before I could use a vibe on it though...the first time was not pleasant to say the least (a week after it was done), so let it heal a couple of weeks before you go for strong stimulation, but otherwise, it's a snap. I got a vertical and I like it!
The battle with quitting smoking is nearly driving me insane. I swear...I was having visuals this morning while I was driving, shadows jumping out at me and stuff. NOT good. The physical withdrawl should be over by now but it's not been easy. My good friend called me and we hooked up for lunch, shopping and Starbucks. She gave me a yellow rose from her garden, an inspirational card with a gift card from a new store that just opened up so I could pick out a new outfit with her today while keeping my mind off things, so after lunch we spent about 2 hrs. picking out clothes and trying stuff on. I found a beautiful outfit, white pants and a white and black print silk tank with a matching sheer top to go over it. There's enough left on the gift card to get a new bathingsuit, so after I'm all healed up from surgery we're gonna go back and pick one out together. She's 10 yrs. older than me, she quit smoking and remembers what it was like, and she had gone through a worse augmentation surgery because her sillicone implants leaked...she's been a great friend and with her caring support and understanding, today was very enjoyable.