Actually, I'm coughing very little. I had a persistant cough left from the flu a couple of months ago. Then when I got my tongue pierced 2 weeks ago I realized how often I was actually was hurting the muscle in my tongue. Since Friday the little bit of coughing I've had is nearly non-existant. I'm drinking lots of water as usual so I'm sure that's helped. By next week, I would imagine any "cleaning out coughing" should be about done. I think smokers cough more when they're smoking than when they quit...even if it's only 2 weeks after quitting.
Physical withdrawl symptoms are mainly over after the third day. I handled them by taking lots of xanax to keep me kinda dopey and to help calm the anxiety but there are still times where I feel like I need to crawl out of my own skin, even my joints get "itchy" and I have to shake it out. I've had much worse withdrawl symptoms in the past when using Zyban, the patch, Nicorette gum, etc. The doc said that taking any nicotine substitutes wouldn't do any good because it's the nicotine that will actually cause problems with the surgery and healing. I can't take ANY herbal stuff because they don't know how it will react with bleeding and anestesia.
Mentally it's been very hard. I'm having bad bouts of anxiety when the xanax wears off. I'm afraid to leave the house without my husband right now. So, since Friday, I've either stayed home, or when I've gone to work or the gym, he's had to be with me and do the driving. When I was at work yesterday, I had my daughter come with me when I had to go to the bathroom because my desire to smoke is so strong that I felt that if I was alone I would have gotten a smoke from someone. I don't know how to explain how bad it is with me to quit smoking. I was talking to hubby this morning and I think some of us can build a stronger adiction to smoking than others. I know I need to do this once and for all...I know how bad it is for me but the desire is soooo intense it takes over. I've averaged 1 1/2 packs a day for about the past 20 yrs. That's 30 cigs a day. If you do anyting 30 times a day, the habbit itself is tough to break, let alone the withdrawl and yearning that follows. Adiction is a terrible thing to handle and unles you've experienced it in one form or another, you can't imagine how frustrating it is.
And of course I'm concerned with the weight gain that's going to follow. Smoking increases your metabolism, so I'm just gonna have to increase my physical activity to help combat this. I'm sticking to my healthy eating fairly well. I've also added more fat into my diet and cut back on the carbs a little as of about 1 1/2 weeks ago and the scale is still treating me nicely.
These next few weeks are gonna be toughies, but soon I'll be rewarded in many ways...that is what I keep my sights set on.