I'll never forget the time I saw this dude benching, going heavy as he could. Guy was maybe 160-ish and his buddy spotting looked like an older version of Joe Dirt - I'm talkin' full on mullett and dinky little mustache , sleeveless shirt despite absolute lack of arm musculature, and (my favorite part) wearing jeans to work out
Anywho, No-Mullett tries 225 and almost gets one on his own. So what does he do next? Throws on another plate per side for 315. I made sure to be ready to run over in case Mullett couldn't row the weight off No-Mullett. They managed to synchronize their might and rack the bar, and I'll be damned if No-Mullett didn't jump off the bench like he had set a world record.
That and the occasional 'super curler' are about the only
really stupid things I've seen. I've learned to accept that bad squatting is ubiquitous and unlikely to go away in any of our lifetimes.