=kiosk...just eat right man
You nailed things there whether you realized it or not. We as bodybuilders probably understand and know our bodies and what is good to put in them more than any mainstream folk out there.
What one has to realize is fats are of course very calorically dense. 9 calories per gram. Therefore, putting aside any cholesterol issues, etc., you will have to limit your intake to your macro needs or you will very quickly exceed your desired calories.
Do this on a regular basis, and you will become fat. This is what makes us fat, the overconsumption of calories. It is so like the media to take one nutrient or one item and blame it as the cause of everything. Carbohydrates are now taking a beating, and we also need carbs. But again, another discussion.
Fat got nailed very quickly mainly for two reasons, the name
..it was easy to associate with bodyfat, thus jump on the cholesterol bandwagon(which by the way we need some of), and without them really realizing why, it puts most folks over their caloric needs because of the calorie density coupled with the lack of activity.
But, any nutrient will do this. Processed foods are highly calorically dense. The reason folks lose weight when changing to "clean" diet is they are actually cutting out calories without realizing it.
Any processed food is going to be more calorically dense due to added ingredients. By eliminating these additives, you are limiting your calorie intake without realizing it, thus losing weight.
The health implications between processed and unprocessed foods is another benefit, but this is for another thread.