“PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Eagles decided to sign a guy who hung dogs from trees. He electrocuted them with jumper cables and held them under water,” PETA spokesman Dan Shannon said.
“PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Eagles decided to sign a guy who hung dogs from trees. He electrocuted them with jumper cables and held them under water,” PETA spokesman Dan Shannon said.
If people can celebrate the life of a crotch-grabbing pedophile who has enough money to buy off his victims -- vick, who did his time, can go back to work. There's nothing stopping him from donig whatever he wants to do in life.
He's a free man who did his time. People are just jealous he'll go back to making way more money than them. Boo fucking hoo. Would they feel better if he became CEO of a bank and made $30M a year?