New member
I've just recently started a WSB program, so the #'s are rather low 
12.5" Box Squats - slowly worked up from just the bar to 195. Didn't feel comfortable going higher, so I did 4 sets of 2 w/195. Not a pure Max Effort, but I want to keep good form. Knees perpendicular, butt back, back arched, slow descent, relax hips, explode up.
Assisted Glute-Ham raise on floor: 2 sets of 10 - I lowered part way down, then dropped, then pushed up and finished with hamstrings... was going to do more sets but my hamstrings were hurtin'
BW Reverse Hypers: 5 sets of 10
Situps (not exactly spread-eagle, more like a 45 degree angle): BWx15, 25 pnds x 10, 10
Deadlifts: Practiced form and speed with 145 pnds.. did conventional, sumo, and snatch grip.. 10 singles
That's all I did. I was going to do some sprinting this afternoon, but I don't know if my hams can take it.. maybe just slow sprints.

12.5" Box Squats - slowly worked up from just the bar to 195. Didn't feel comfortable going higher, so I did 4 sets of 2 w/195. Not a pure Max Effort, but I want to keep good form. Knees perpendicular, butt back, back arched, slow descent, relax hips, explode up.
Assisted Glute-Ham raise on floor: 2 sets of 10 - I lowered part way down, then dropped, then pushed up and finished with hamstrings... was going to do more sets but my hamstrings were hurtin'
BW Reverse Hypers: 5 sets of 10
Situps (not exactly spread-eagle, more like a 45 degree angle): BWx15, 25 pnds x 10, 10
Deadlifts: Practiced form and speed with 145 pnds.. did conventional, sumo, and snatch grip.. 10 singles
That's all I did. I was going to do some sprinting this afternoon, but I don't know if my hams can take it.. maybe just slow sprints.