Spatts, my current method "works" just fine, and I was saying everyone has their own response, but apparently that's still not uniform enough for some.
So I'll do mine, and keep doing well. However, unlike some, I will refrain from discounting the working methods of others as being "lesser" just because I do not feel they are right for me.
Good? Good.
IronLion, I don't have any problem with disagreement. Yours was fine, and the dissonance of our opinions went well, IMO.
However, the introduction of a small number of examples as a substitute for absolute, wide-spanning "law" set me to thinking that perhaps dissenting opinions are not welcome in some arenas. Namely, this one.
I've seen this happen before, and it's never appreciated by those with open minds. This was the first time it happened to me.
That is all. I'll remove myself from the conversation, and if anyone is moved to delete this or deride it, it can be done as anyone desires.