Island Son said:
Obviously people were listening. Students tried to chat with him and include him. He was referred for counseling.
But what do you suggest they do? Submit a police report on every weird student? Jail them indefinitely? Then the person's REALLY gonna have a beef!!
Oh no no... please don't misunderstand me.
He set fire to a dorm room...
He wrote plays about violence
He gave physical clues - I'm sure he gave silent ones.
The students were wonderful to do what they did - trying to involve him.
But he did not think as kindly of his school mates.
It's heart breaking to read/hear about this - the loss of life this way.
I can't imagine the trauma these kids, staff - have experienced - I can't even put my head around the damage this one young man did nor the events from the first shoot to the last or the prep he must have done prior too getting up yesterday.
The doctor reported at 3 gunshots per people - 60 some people - the magazines he had to have preloaded - purchased.
I feel sick just reading about it.
What we're capable as human beings is horrific.