meathead1216 said:
What is the best food to put into a diet for mass?
Depending on what kind of mass:
1) All-out mass where fat gain in not an issue
2) Lean Mass where fat gain is a problem
In case (1), all you have to do is go on the See-Food-diet meaning you eat everything you see. Example, burgers pizza and such. I suggest against that b/c of potential health problems of loading up on so much food (i.e. if you're obese w/ a lot of muscle, heart problems are still an issue).
In case (2), I would suggest you look at my
Bulking Up Basics Part 1-2-3 where I describe some caloric fluctuation diets.
Food wise in case (2) I suggest lean meats like (protein) eye-round steak, whole eggs, fish, and chicken; (carbs) oatmeal, beans, green veggies, yams, sweet potatoes; MCT oils, flaxseed oil, canola oil, walnut oil, almonds (fats).