Acneman, I agree with you 100%. I myself am half asian and half white. The theory about
asians being too small to pack a wallop is pure speculation. As of now, I'm 5' 10'' 206 with
~15% bf. Back in high school I was an amatuer boxer, and at age 16, I was ranked 9th
overall in California for the junior welterweight division: 140lbs (I was really 155, but with
all the diuretics, water flushing, sweating, sauna, etc. we did before the weigh in). in fact,
boxing got me a scholarship to a Cal-State University.
Anyway, acneman is right. When you streetfight, the is no one to break it up. It's anything
goes, and usually after a few punches land, it's all groundfighting. IMO, the best martial arts
would be some type of shoot-fighting/groundfighting. Look at how the grapplers dominate
those ultimate fighting events.
Personally, I haven't fought in years, except for once about a year ago, when two drunken
marines at a jack in the box took on a friend and myself and got beat down. other than that,
I think fighting is something that should be left for high-school kids.