Flushed $250 dollars worth of m1t down the toilet, literally. Thought it was great at first, then realized, is this really worth it?? A few pounds of bloated muscle, and painful ridiculously silly looking pumps from just grappling or jumping rope. Being tired, being slow, acne, nuts shrinking, etc etc etc. No wonder the crap is $10 a bottle, why not just stick an air hose up your ass and try to blow up your muscles that way, it's probably healthier for you. Just not worth it for me, if I wish to lift weights, which I have stopped because it only hurts my mma training, I don't need this stuff that is ultimately shutting me down and killing my internal organs. I will chalk up m1t with my other previous prohormone usage, and call it a bout of temporary insanity or stupidity. Now I am doing what I can to get my body back to a natural state (no supplements) and do some real training. If any of you are still taking this crap, do yourself, and your body a favor and get rid of this poison.