white liberal version of racism is the "we need to help these people because they can't do it on their own."
Basically stating minorities are too stupid or helpless to succeed with any measure on their own and need to be given handouts just to survive.
Unfortunately a lot of them buy it all hook, line and sinker.
One of the things I agree with Bush the younger is on what he called the "soft racism of low expectations." I went to law school with a very attractive black woman that was also the daughter of an M.D. and she had attended private school with tutors, graduated from a good undergrad program and was fully capable of competing for law school admission. She was going to be successful in life regardless of the outcome of her law school admission results but she was given a preference based on the melanin in her skin. I can understand a socioeconomic preference but not one that treats an inner city kid raised on welfare the same as an upper middle class child; That's racist.
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