black liberal racism
-"cowards" dont want to have a discussion about race (discussion meaning getting berated/called a racist/having to accept culpability for the sins of all white folks)
-disagreement with obama is racist ("tea partiers want to see blacks swinging from trees")
-whites owe blacks and will someday have to pay (hints of future violence)
There are racists in both ideologies, the difference is that conservatives are scrutinized by the left-wing media, which makes up 95% of the media. Second, the universities peddle erroneous dogma that the "white man" is the cause of racism and slavery. That fact remains both white and black people are equally to blame for slavery. The Europeans were wrong for the Atlantic Slave Trade, there is no doubt. However, when the British, Dutch, and the French decided to end slavery in the early 1800s, delegates from the Ivory Coast went to Europe pleading with them not to abolish slavery because their entire economy relied on the slave trade (Howard Zinn: A peope's History of The United States). Moreover, there has been slaves since the beginning of time and they were mostly all white people. The media and the universities leave that out because of special interests. Far be it for them to disclose that black people helped enslave their own people ( Narrative of Olaudah Equiano). Consequenly, the left are basically trying to make white America sign a "guilt clause," which is absurd. I will reiterate what I said, both white and black people are to blame for the Atlantic Slave Trade.
African-Americans are free to express their dissent about servitude and criticize and shift blame on the white man without being held accountable. Simultaneously, if the white man expresses any dissent about being blamed for servitude they are deemed as racists.
A colleague of mine, who is from Zimbabwe, who has been teaching African history for years is one of the most outspoken racists I have ever met, and nobody confronts him about his behavior. He told me the reason why 50% of all inmates in prison are African-Americans is because the white man "extended slavery through the prison system." I asked him to explain that to me, his response was, "white judges lock-up blacks so they can extend slavery by sending blacks to jail by making them work for 25 cents a day." Moreover, he claims white people commit the same crimes as blacks but are aquitted opposed to blacks who get a lengthy prison sentence. He uses the Vagrant Act of 1866 to back up his claims, which I find ridiculous considering that was 150 yrs ago, very scanty evidence. Of course, he claims Jesus was black without any primary sources, I will leave that one on the shelf for the express reason to elude a futile internet argument. He also claims the 14th Amendment is ambiguous and is capable of enslaving blacks in some form. Again, I will elude my thoughts because internet arguments are futile.
He acts like he is superior to me because I have a Masters and he has a PhD, and he likes to throw it up in my face from time to time. My response is, "they must give out PhDs in Zimbabwe like they give out malaria shots."
Last, there is a difference of being a racist and being prejudice. I racist hates an entire race. Someone who is prejudice might not like things about a certain race but still might like the people. Moreover, every human has some kind of prejudice in their heart, anyone who says different is a liar...