It's a chick flick. Here's the storyline:
He's a relationship-phobic guy's guy who takes advantage of women and posts his exploits on a guy-dominated fitness board.
She's a man-crazy chick who's all about hooking a guy but doesn't want to look manipulative or desperate. She too documents her exploits -- but on a chick-dominated relationships/advice board.
They manipulate each other and continue to document their progress. Both have radically different views of the relationship's progress and both think they have the upper hand.
Eventually they both catch each other (obviously) and we enter the guy-loses-girl phase.
They both try to revert back to their previous lives and realize that although they were both deceiving each other, they both have become far too attached.
They get back together, despite the urging from their respective boards to move on.
They both do posts on their respective boards showing how they've changed and achieved personal growth.
Let's call the movie: "Board of Deception".