Hello Familly (^_^) <3
27.05 + 28.05 No training for all weekend
06:00AM : 120mg iron element (from bisglycinate) + 120mg Vitamine C element (from Acerola) + 400ML Water Mineral
06:40AM : 200ml Coffee filter + 3 brown Sugar 5g + Milk Thistle 1000MG (800MG Silymarin + 300MG Silybin) + 25mg x 2 EP Proviron + 750mg N-Acetyl-Cystein.
07:50AM : Milk 1/2 cream 500ml + 40g Whey (37,6g Protéines Nx6.38) + 4g fish oil (1600MG EPA + 1200MG DHA) + 2 Eggs Organic + 50G nuts + 60G Oats + 1 NexGen Pro
12:20PM : 200G Potato + 200G Beef "for bourguignon" + onion, carrot, garlic clove + burgundy red wine + 1g Fish Oil (400MG EPA, 300MG DHA) + 200g cottage cheese.

M : Milk 1/2 500ML + 40g Whey (37,6g Protéines Nx6.38, 5,24g Leucine) + 30G Honey + 1 NexGen Pro +20G nuts.
07:00PM : 150G Lentills blond + 200G Pork chop+ 10G olive oil + Provencal herb+ 120G Fresh yogurt.
10:00PM : 50G Milk Protein (80%Casein Micellar 20%Whey) + 2 Egg Organic Raw (Drops VitaminD3 in the yolk 3000 ui's) + 30MG Zinc element (from Bisglycinate) + 200mg Magnesium element (from citrate) + 3G Fish Oil (1200MG EPA, 900MG DHA) + 500mg Milk Thistle (400MG Silymarin, 150MG Silybin).
Have a blessed weekend (^_^)