Bro, I just spent four hardest years out of my life completing a dual degree in both hard science and a soft science, computer science and social psychology.
The kind of work that I had to do involved reading 500 page books, and not just remebering material but analyzing and developing from it. In no way would it be possible without attending the lectures, without the books, or without using supplementary help.
My schools costs 26k a year, and its one of the top private technology schools in US.
But wait. Maybe I would be able to achieve A's by just sitting on my ass and not attending school if I was a "public relations/advertising major".
It is an insult to me, after so much arduous effort, that I put into my degrees to say that college is so easy.
And by the way, I WILL work in my major's field, and I DID pass my English 101 spelling test.