Sadly I've never tried Osta. I plan to during PCT and as a standalone in the near future. All I can base my judgement off of is the handful of logs an reviews I've read. LGD is "supposedly" 12x more powerful than Osta, I believe this to be quite a large overstatement. It is definently much more powerful than Osta based on what I've read, the real question is whether or not it is worth the level of supression (which we don't have much info on at this time).
As an educated guess, I believe LGD to be 2x better results and strength wise compared to Osta on a bulk. As for recomp though, I still have yet to try it, but I could see it being a much better option for recomp than Osta
Got ya! Thanks for the reply. I'm also thinking from the logs on LGD seems it may be about twice as strong.