I am in the same boat, doing better now
.... worse case in my end is that Ex g/f screwed me over big time and stuff but still love her. I dumped her though, have done it a dozen times but keep wanting and going back.. even when I have gotten new booty or g/f... (have new g/f since Oct, but keep "revisiting" the old kitty) ..... and was whacking off the other night, and thought of ex excited me more than current g/f ...
TOtally sucks, I am diong better a little bit, as I didn't feel crap her not being with me on aFriday night, LOL (can I laugh at this ?
) .. I did calll her Thurs after a few drinks ... but nothing..
Anyway, my point, its a pain in the ass to forget about them... just go get more booty to occupy your time.. the worse parts for me are when I am alone
..... even though I dont have to be