Note on the brown basmati around. I've found some bb rice that is absolutely terrible. Some of the damn husks or something remain in the mix and even after cooking they're hard, and scrape your gums up. I have found some brands that are good and stick to them now. Never any husks in them. Lundberg, and Green Meadows (???) are the ones I use.
As for hemp oil. If you order it make sure it's origin is IN the united states or it may not get throught the border. There was an issue a while back with the DEA restricting non THC related hemp product imports. It hurt a local exporter around my home cause he was shipping to the states. His THC content was tested at .001 percent which is about how much THC I have on the bottom of my shoe. The link that was provided looks like it comes out of New York. But keep that in mind. Same goes for hemp soaps, creams, cloths, etc. (unless things have changed recently).