I hate to look like a shit stir but why is it all of the big name brand supp companies are now trying to hook us on test boosters,frozen and heat reactive proteins, nitride boosters and other products that will not put a 1/4 of the mass that the NEEDTOO line up will do why did it take a single man to pull the B/S out of the supp game and give us the common man a product that works like it claims not useless blot or zits or butt coffee AKA "crea blast"!!! Seems to me we all should give thanks for a company like Needtoo and supp 911 for being stand up and saying "yes our products do what we say they do contain real steroids and they will give you the gains if you train hard eat harder and do your research." And I am sure we have all been scammed from a source or two I won't name names they know who 's who in that mess!!! But bottom line we need more guys in this sport like needtoo and 911 to make honest products for us . And when I mean Us i mean us nut jobs who spend hours in the gym eat like no tomorrow and diet down to get rid of that last oz of fat and still look damn good doing it!