Re: Lets talk legal steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday will be two weeks of CycloBolan lol at two pills ED. The only side effects so far are an increase in lbm, vascularity, and strength. With proper cycle support and liver supps you could easily get away with 2-4 monsterdrol with 2 CB ed or 3 CB alone ed. I would not personally go over 50mg of superdrol ed and both of these supps are for advanced users imo. I am running Derma with them too.
Friday will be two weeks of CycloBolan lol at two pills ED. The only side effects so far are an increase in lbm, vascularity, and strength. With proper cycle support and liver supps you could easily get away with 2-4 monsterdrol with 2 CB ed or 3 CB alone ed. I would not personally go over 50mg of superdrol ed and both of these supps are for advanced users imo. I am running Derma with them too.