I hit the BTG's @ 25mg's ED for 12 weeks, I had good strength gains and was very hard and vieny and yes keep most of the gains, what I like is no sides.
got really good strength. and all your gains are lbm cause var doesnt cause water retention so its all godd to. i love no sides. i think they are stressful on the liver though.
sooo..im glad you guys got awsome strength, but somebody gimme some numbers, i want to know exactly how big the gains are in some people. cmon somebody please...
dave my bench in 3 weeks went from 280lbs 3 sets of 10, to 320 3 sets of 8. i felt it in about 3 weeks is when i started gettin lots of strength. my bench is just an example. all my weights went up.
ill tell ya theres nothing like pullin big from the floor..thurs is back day for me and im already thinking about it..damn i need a life make sure your form is solid woot and you should be fine..don't let all that var affect ur judgement lol good luck!!!