I'd have to say that though the pics are nice & Daisy is quite hot, I doubt that the majority of the people posting would pay for it. Not that it isn't worth it, but, there's way too many free things to look at. Most of us are looking & admiring simply because it's here. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would pay if Daisy set up a site but, I'm certainly not one of them. I can honestly say that I have never paid to look at porn on the net & have no intentions of doing so. I have a beautiful woman at home that I can do more than just look at so all others are simply for admiring & entertainment purposes only & I'm sure I'm not the only one here that feels that way. Nudity is something that you just can not help but, to look at. Sarah you are quite sexy as well but, I must say, the attitude that you have displayed ever since the poll and other posts with you difining the other women in a round about way (or not so round about way) as being cyber sluts who are trying to get attention has certainly lessened the affect. Some people just enjoy expressing themselves & it has absolutely nothing to do with an attempt to proffit or gain attention. Just my $.02