supernav Lesbians are weird:
ANYONE want to explain this wacky thing i've noticed at dyke bars i've gone with friends:
WHY do hot women, who look like beautiful normal straight chicks DATE REALLY REALLY UGLY MAN-LOOKING FAT LOOSE-CLOTHING BULLDYKES??
If you want to be with a man, just DATE a man! You never see a hot woman with a ugly fat overalls wearing short haired midge dude in a club --- so WHY do so many lipstick lesbians pick that sort of style for their women???
I'm not joking guys. Go to a dyke bar and i swear you will find some of the MOST UGLIEST men around!! And they try sooo hard to be macho and manly. It's hillarious. But the cute ones are dancing with them and holding hands.
Baffles me to no degree. You don't see gay guys dating ugly drag queens in clubs. At least most of them work out, try to look good and ripped.
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