If you go an ANY gym and see guys "chalking up" grunting and yelling, getting ready for their set; well that is one thing but given Dianabol to people like a drink tab? (It's already available via Dr. scripts) and elsewhere, not like it is any tougher to find gear, than weed? Sooo, Ummm No! I have been a victim of roid road rage twice and a guy followed into a gas station where I thought I was safe (he tried to literally run me into a building and off the road 10plus times for NO reason). I wasn't drivig 15mph over?? Just raging! So he got out of his car and his face was bright red and "stay-puffed" puffy; tons of water retention and he was the size of a water buffalo! So obviously he was out of his mind BUT I should mention, turned out to be only 23, So could have been first time and just like your first 4 beers, you don't know how to handle it. Anyways, he got out of his F-350 at 11:00pm, ran up to my door and started kicking it HARD! Once he saw I was 5'3, he cursed and peeled out, well got his plate and 2 people followed him for me and he was arrested. What if I was another man on a cycle with a gun and 24? someone could have been shot and killed very easily! So my long answer is NO! Guys just need to LEARN how to manage to "sides" and you have to either be trained or learn them because if you are bulking, you are going to get MAD about stupid crap..., period!