BEEZERS needs a reality check. Other then age, THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS ON WHO CAN BUY AND INGEST ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. Now look at all the people who've died from cigarette smoking and alcohol use and/or alchohol-related driving accidents. Are you telling me that not only should AAS be regulated, but OUTRIGHT BANNED, while tobacco and alcohol can be sold legally without prior doctor approval, health restrictions, etc.? Dude, compare how many have died from alcohol and tobacco in the last 30 years to how many people have died from AAS in the last 30 years! So which is the greatest danger that should garner government intervention and banishment? AAS isn't banned due to health concerns, otherwise alcohol and cigarettes would have been banned a long time ago. The bottom line is, alcohol and cigarette companies have paid BILLIONS in TAX REVENUE TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT over the years, while AAS companies---even when legal---paid shit. Therefore, the politicians have let their biggest tax payers and campaign contributors dictate what substances should and should not be legal. Shit, if politicians will allow women to commit abortion/murder against an unborn child because it's "their bodies", well then we should all be able to use AAS on "our bodies"!