In no way should AAS be legal and OTC. That is asking the mentally defficient and the lazy to abuse, misuse, and further run the image of AS through the mud. The many law suits filed would have every pharmacuetucal company dropping out of AS manufacturing and again lead to strict controll of these drugs to prevent further harm to "society". I do, however, support decriminalization under controlled use. I do not supprt the general practitioner having the capabilities to prescribe and recomend usage on thses drugs as they are virtually as clueless as lawmakers and the general public about the effects and proper use of AS. We would need specialized medical proffesionals educated in these hormones with the capabilities to asses ones needs for the drugs and the ability to moniter thier health. A sub-species of sports doctors would be needed to soley focus thier practice on AS use, dispension, and monitering of each patient. This is the only way I could foresee AS use even remotely becoming a freedom of choice. Unfortunately politics and the dollar are in control of this situation and the general public is easily led to beleive anythign they are told. Tell people all drugs are bad...sell that idea...make a campaign stand against drugs ...look like the savior. Drug laws have nothing to do with protecting people or society. They are a vehicle for politicians to ride to office on.