New member
Ooooo...deadlifts. I love deadlifts. No, wait. I hate deadlifts. No, I loooooove them. I hate them .... I-- Well, you get the picture. I love them when I'm not doing them. I look forward to doing them. I adore them after I finish them. But, once I'm actually doing them I think "WTF? Why on earth am I doing this?!! Have I lost my marbles?" Those are my favorite types of exercises.
Thanks, ladies. It's over and done with and makes for a funny story now.
I didn't like the fact that he had her in a Smith machine and advised against going low (I dunno, maybe going low in a Smith is bad for you?). As a BFB (Big Fat Broad) I can personally attest that going low feels better on the knees than stopping somewhere above parallel. He also had her using 10-lb DBs for overhead presses. Thought she could be doing more than that by now.

I didn't like the fact that he had her in a Smith machine and advised against going low (I dunno, maybe going low in a Smith is bad for you?). As a BFB (Big Fat Broad) I can personally attest that going low feels better on the knees than stopping somewhere above parallel. He also had her using 10-lb DBs for overhead presses. Thought she could be doing more than that by now.