Once your body becomes accustomed to the flip into ketosis, it will happen faster, you can use some help too:
first, day before you decide to get into ketosis start cutting back your overall cals and make most of them that were fat into carb calories... your last meal, in the early evening should be pretty simple sugar heavy. it helps the body flip.
every hour for four to six hours after that last meal, pop a Glucorell-R (rALA) tab, you will not want to be out on the town for this, it might make you a feel a bit like poop after a while, so do it at home then hit the hay.
Next morning: do back and legs. kick the shit out of them. Your food the first 24-48 hours should have NO carbs, not 24 or 22: NONE. 60%+ of your cals have to come from fat, not less.
That afternoon do some savage HIIT cardio, for real, it will suck, but kill it.
You will more likely than not be in ketosis by the time you wake the next morning, about 30-36 hours, not 72.
You CAN drop into ketosis with the help of Insulin abuse, in as little as 4-6 hours, but if you are not familiar and extremely experienced with its use and dangers, do not even think of fucking around with it. it can, and has, killed folks.