Probably not significantly as you need RESISTANCE to help with muscle hypertrophy. That is of course unless you used the vaginal weights (cylinders) I alluded to earlier in another thread
Your question is very interesting. I am new to the board and let me say I have been reading past posts for a couple of weeks now and am very impressed. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
Back to your question...
I am a sexuality educator and from my knowledge about pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, which are a set of muscles that run through your pelvic area which assist in controlling urine flow and orgasm, exercising these muscles will help them become stronger. Some people use added resistance as in the use of a Kegelcisor. A Kegelcisor if a long weighted device which is inserted in the vagina and the PC muscles are contracted to perform a small lift. I believe sells them and they are called Betty’s Barbell at this store. Though you do not need a Kegelcisor to strengthen you PC muscles, but is helpful for added resistance. As to if the use of AS will help the strength building process...honestly I do not know. I have never read a study or heard of anyone on AS to validate this. All I can say is let us know.
And as to the comment about excess exercise leading to hypertrophy of the muscle...I think this is unlikely. What may happen is that your PC muscles will continue to get stronger which can assist you in orgasming or even ejaculating....but that is another story.
Thank you for asking your question. It was a great question.