u of a is a fuckin joke, the dorm coronado, or scoronado, aka 9 floors of whores, is the shit for pussy. the hottest ass you'll ever see in packs like damn pigeons. all they want is some coke and they'll suck it off your dick. you lay at the pool everyday, every apt place has one, and nice ones. rent is like 600 bucks a month to have a place on the golf course on players club drive. that was my addy. that dorm is the most sexually active dorm in the world according to playboy. man and nogales being 45 mins away, we would go get winny before 9/11, sydgroup winny and qv deca and var. there was a law till 2003 you could bring 50 pills of any kind without a prescription across the border without a script. they were sick of dealing with it so thats what the law was for a while. we used to hide the pills or get a a mexican script. at customs one time the guy was like you don't need a script but you can only bring 50 of those, i had 90 valium so i started popping them right there and he let me through with all of them. it was classic i'd declare the valium, my boy would declare some painkillers, and then my other boy would sneak the gear. we'd slap the pills on the table and everyone looks at us, all wearing wife beaters with tatoos. my friend never got caught with the gear and he was a cock diesel mofo. i miss it, i'll be movin back to scottsdale some day, but nogales is changing