Just to reiterate, yes, eating once a day is horrible and sitting around doing nothing while popping thermos is doing 2 things for you, jack and shit.
You need to start off with the basics and get a diet going that consists of 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20% fats.
You should probably be eating about 2000 calories a day or so. I'd say eat more based on your weight, but beings that you are only eating one meal a day as it is, I'd say 2000 cals would be good to shoot for.
when figuring out your nutrient ratios, keep in mind protein and carbs have 4 calories for every gram, and for every gram of fat, you get 9 calories.
then start lifting 3 days a week. Ask the people at your gym to set you up on a 3 day split. have them show you how to do the workouts. A 3 day split means youll be doing 6 major muscle groups once a week, with 2 groups per exercise, for example, chest and shoulders, back and bi's, legs and tris.
On the days you don't lift, do 45 min's of moderate cardio. bike..Elliptical....Walking up an incline on a treadmill.
You'll see results pretty quickly.