RUSSIAN WOMEN I myslef have never been over there I do have a handful of traveling buddies that have ...This seems to be the overall imperssion I get from them..THE WOMEN in Russia are very poor and most are forced into or on there own end up being working ladies IE:HOES ,,,,,However they all have a value for the dollar they are smart about usa life and will do about and say anything to get over here proceed with caution as they are known for coming over to usa and taking everything they can get and splitting off ,,,,,,,,The russian infrastructure in the states is a lot bigger then most think ,,,look at brighten beach in new york and some parts of brooklyn loads of russians and they dont like amercians ,,,,,,,Yes the russian women are very good looking but buyer beware.........
stick to latino or asain culture as they are breed to service and take care of there men in there cultures.......most of the time.......