New member
Once again for those who are illiterate...(STAR)
Sampling error is based on real numbers, not on whether or not it agrees with
my opinion, professional or otherwise.
Just as you've spent whatever number of years learning how to dance naked on
a pole, I've spent decades learning my profession, which relies on history, studies,
numbers, and FACTS. FACTS which I use to objectively counsel patients with the TRUTH. I already
stated on several occasions the bad side effects of the IUD, and I don't own stock
in any company that makes them. Those facts that I presented OBJECTIVELY on the IUD are
not my opinion, they are FACTS. Based on studies of thousands upon thousands of women.
On the other hand, what you have done throughout your misinformed threads is to state your
opinion as fact (and I quote...)
" An IUD is an Internal Uterine Device and can only be used if she has already had a
child. It is a little implant placed in the cervix. I also had one of those and had to have
it removed. You have to sign a waver to get one...In other words not safe. "
and other gems like...
" You can only have an IUD after you have given birth. The cervix has to be wide enough
and that does not occur unless you have had children. There is not only the risks of
what you have mentioned but also the extreme danger that a woman is put in if she
does in fact become pregnant while using an IUD. There's also something else about
the copper wire. (can't remember though). I would say the odds are 8 out of 10
women have them removed after insertion because of
complications.......Cramping......bleeding.....yada yada yada"
" I also have NEVER heard of a reputable doctor that would insert an IUD into a woman
who has not given birth."
And that's only the tip of the iceberg. None of these comments discuss your experiences, as you claimed
when attacking me for trying to help. Your threads are opinions stated as facts. People like you make all
our jobs harder and are the reason that millions of women have unintended pregnancies each year and
die of breast and cervical cancer from fear of medicine. You care about nothing but yourself and validating
that your "pain" and "experiences" exist.
And as for your background, again I quote...
" Well my mom did sleep around a lot so it wouldn't surprise me..."
Do you think that because you have a vagina, got pregnant and buried a man that that makes you an
expert on the female body? Stick to the Prozac and do the women here a favor and shut up, listen or ask questions, and you might just learn something.
By the way, nice tat.
And lighten up a bit, remember you're the one who made this personal, and in a battle
of wits, I fear you might just be unarmed. So let's just drop this.
"can't we all just get along?"
Sampling error is based on real numbers, not on whether or not it agrees with
my opinion, professional or otherwise.
Just as you've spent whatever number of years learning how to dance naked on
a pole, I've spent decades learning my profession, which relies on history, studies,
numbers, and FACTS. FACTS which I use to objectively counsel patients with the TRUTH. I already
stated on several occasions the bad side effects of the IUD, and I don't own stock
in any company that makes them. Those facts that I presented OBJECTIVELY on the IUD are
not my opinion, they are FACTS. Based on studies of thousands upon thousands of women.
On the other hand, what you have done throughout your misinformed threads is to state your
opinion as fact (and I quote...)
" An IUD is an Internal Uterine Device and can only be used if she has already had a
child. It is a little implant placed in the cervix. I also had one of those and had to have
it removed. You have to sign a waver to get one...In other words not safe. "
and other gems like...
" You can only have an IUD after you have given birth. The cervix has to be wide enough
and that does not occur unless you have had children. There is not only the risks of
what you have mentioned but also the extreme danger that a woman is put in if she
does in fact become pregnant while using an IUD. There's also something else about
the copper wire. (can't remember though). I would say the odds are 8 out of 10
women have them removed after insertion because of
complications.......Cramping......bleeding.....yada yada yada"
" I also have NEVER heard of a reputable doctor that would insert an IUD into a woman
who has not given birth."
And that's only the tip of the iceberg. None of these comments discuss your experiences, as you claimed
when attacking me for trying to help. Your threads are opinions stated as facts. People like you make all
our jobs harder and are the reason that millions of women have unintended pregnancies each year and
die of breast and cervical cancer from fear of medicine. You care about nothing but yourself and validating
that your "pain" and "experiences" exist.
And as for your background, again I quote...
" Well my mom did sleep around a lot so it wouldn't surprise me..."
Do you think that because you have a vagina, got pregnant and buried a man that that makes you an
expert on the female body? Stick to the Prozac and do the women here a favor and shut up, listen or ask questions, and you might just learn something.
By the way, nice tat.
And lighten up a bit, remember you're the one who made this personal, and in a battle
of wits, I fear you might just be unarmed. So let's just drop this.
"can't we all just get along?"