New member
I've always thought my weights seemed to go up very slowly, but just thought perhaps I wasn't designed to be particularly strong. And size gains haven't really been a problem, so I haven't worried. But now I realise something. All this talk of you have to basically kill yourself in the gym, and it's all about intensity, and if you can hold the clutch in on the way home you didn't work hard enough, etc etc, is nonsense (althought I suppose this depends very much on your situation, supps, body type, muscle fibre ratio, nutrition, sleep, job, etc etc etc)
I spent 2 months with my trainer working very intensely, very very intensely. This wasn't a problem for me, on the contrary, I loved every second of it, and there was method in our madness - time was limited, and I had a lot to learn from her. Before that, I had always trained very hard. Lots of intensity enhancing stuff. She justhelped me to focus more, get form down exactly perfectly right, and take my body beyond what could do alone. Anyway, it was an intense time, so the last few weeks, since I got home, I've been taking it easy, so to speak. I go to concentric failure, but not beyond. NO drop sets, NO forced reps, NO rest-pause, none of that stuff. And what happens???
My weights start jumping.
It just goes to show ....
I spent 2 months with my trainer working very intensely, very very intensely. This wasn't a problem for me, on the contrary, I loved every second of it, and there was method in our madness - time was limited, and I had a lot to learn from her. Before that, I had always trained very hard. Lots of intensity enhancing stuff. She justhelped me to focus more, get form down exactly perfectly right, and take my body beyond what could do alone. Anyway, it was an intense time, so the last few weeks, since I got home, I've been taking it easy, so to speak. I go to concentric failure, but not beyond. NO drop sets, NO forced reps, NO rest-pause, none of that stuff. And what happens???
My weights start jumping.
It just goes to show ....