Mon. 1/17
Today was Back and Bi's. I wore my chucks today since I was doing rack deads. They felt soo much better. Last time I did them I wore my Nike Shox and what a difference that made to wear different shoes. I also was planning on 295 and 315 as my 2 working sets for rack deads. I did the 295 for 10 reps. Then I did the 315's for 6 reps, but I could do more. Not sure why I stopped. Then I decided, what the heck! Do one more set and see what I can do. 325's! Woohoo!
Also my tendonitis felt good tonight. 20# jump on EZ curls. I'm capable of the weight, just can't seem to do much when the forearms are flared up from the pain. Took advantage tonight.
Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps and Abs
Rack Chins: (11-20RP)
TT: BW+25#/13+6+4=23RP LT: BW+10#/29RP
~Hanging Stretch: 75 secs.
Rack Deads: (6-8SS) and (3-4SS) (Widow 20SS)
TT: 315/6SS and 325/4SS LT: 275/9SS and 295/6SS
~Widow: Low Cable Rows: TT: 105/20SS LT: 100/20SS
~Stretch: 75 secs.
EZ Bar Curls: (11-20RP)
TT: 60/9+6+6=21RP LT: 40/24RP
~Stretch: 75 secs.
Abs- Hanging Raises 25/25/25/25
Today was Back and Bi's. I wore my chucks today since I was doing rack deads. They felt soo much better. Last time I did them I wore my Nike Shox and what a difference that made to wear different shoes. I also was planning on 295 and 315 as my 2 working sets for rack deads. I did the 295 for 10 reps. Then I did the 315's for 6 reps, but I could do more. Not sure why I stopped. Then I decided, what the heck! Do one more set and see what I can do. 325's! Woohoo!
Also my tendonitis felt good tonight. 20# jump on EZ curls. I'm capable of the weight, just can't seem to do much when the forearms are flared up from the pain. Took advantage tonight.
Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps and Abs
Rack Chins: (11-20RP)
TT: BW+25#/13+6+4=23RP LT: BW+10#/29RP
~Hanging Stretch: 75 secs.
Rack Deads: (6-8SS) and (3-4SS) (Widow 20SS)
TT: 315/6SS and 325/4SS LT: 275/9SS and 295/6SS
~Widow: Low Cable Rows: TT: 105/20SS LT: 100/20SS
~Stretch: 75 secs.
EZ Bar Curls: (11-20RP)
TT: 60/9+6+6=21RP LT: 40/24RP
~Stretch: 75 secs.
Abs- Hanging Raises 25/25/25/25