Been reading up on sumos and it seems everybody that does then does so at the expense of their shins. Is there anyone on here that does sumos and does not fuck up their shins or the fronts of their thighs (on the knurling)?
Soccr shin guards have been suggested for the same problem before. Get the kind that are kinda like socks with a heel "strap" and no bottom. (Know what I'm talkin' about?)
Here's a pair like I have. (Not for deadlifting, for playing soccer.) I would think they would work great.
I think I am going to stick to conventionals. I want to attract attention to my thick back, not my dented shins. Eventually I will buy a trap bar and do my DLs with that.
sumo's put a lot less pressure on my back. I have never had a problem hitting my shins with those really but I scratch the shit out of my lower quads. For conventional I tried wearing sweatpants and it still looked like someone ran a cheese grater along my leg. Looks like I am gonna have to invest in some shin guards now.
Old man dress socks work really well, the bar slides right off of them. I rub baby powder into the surface of the socks at meets, and my shins are barely even red afterwards. You also might want to consider more bar speed instead of dragging it along your shins
I always wear a Nike break-away pants when i deadlift ..They are really slick and reduce pretty much any friction between you and the bar.. Then after Deads you can just yank them off.. My problem is figuring how to keep from bruising my shins.. When I start a heavy dead I have the bar over my toes so I can pull back more than up and the bar tends to have a violent collision with my shins... Oh well.....