How bad off are you? You should only be taking Accutane IMO if you are in late stages and have tried other things... If its a serious breakout in large areas I would start by taking 40mgs a day and see how you take to that in about 3 weeks you will really start seeing what it will do as far as drying you out lol... Use chap stick, eye drops, and nose drops at the first sign or it could lead to problems... If you are handling 40 good then try 40mgs twice a day, if 40mgs once a day is working great I would leave it there.... Its super strong stuff, so strong you have to read a book before you even get it lol and the script will have a yellow extra sticker on it or the pharmacy will not fill it... Damn you can get Morphine easier lol oh well... I see some jump onto the bandwagon over a few bumps, hell I had it all over my chest, back, stomach, and some on my face, even some on my arms... The crap was nasty lol, I didnt want to look at myself and to be honest I had been off a cycle for about 5 or 6 months when it hit me like this... It is very expensive in the pharmacy but they do have a generic now but its rare and you have to call around to see if they have it, CVS had to order it and I was very very lucky my insurance paid for the generic only... that came to like 300 bucks per box discounted price but I got it for my co pay...
Be safe bro
PS Damn Jubei good post, my opinion exactly