I have not doubt that's how someone collecting taxes for the government while suckling uncle sam's teat would feel about any organization that wanted to limit the size and scope of government.
You are the expert, but I should have simply stated that organizations that apply for 501 c 4 status need to be scrutinized to ensure they meet the criteria.
I tried to read about IRC 527 and 501 c but man oh man that crap is boring!
You said suckling on Uncle Sam's teat. That's the federal government. I'm not on any federal benefits. I have insurance and a retirement fund provided by my employer, not the fed. And these are the normal benefits of full time employment, not some sort of entitlement or charity, so I don't see how it's suckling from anyone's teat. I have to work for it.
Of course assessments have something to do with taxes. You said I was a tax collector, but the Assessor does not do any collection, that the Collector's Office's job. We just appraise the property.
You said suckling on Uncle Sam's teat. That's the federal government. I'm not on any federal benefits. I have insurance and a retirement fund provided by my employer, not the fed. And these are the normal benefits of full time employment, not some sort of entitlement or charity, so I don't see how it's suckling from anyone's teat. I have to work for it.