Just something I wanted to share - on average losing 3lbs = 1%bf.
I was still a little tight from Sunday's leg workout but went at it again today. I also hit my shin on a step and it bothers me to put pressure on that leg :-(
Quads/Hams/Abs - 2
Sumo squats: went up to 70lb db standing on 2 benches so that I can go glutes to calves. 2x12,2x10 superset frog kicks: 4x12
One leg step ups - bb: 45lb, 2x12, 1x9
SLDL, Smith: 90lbs+bar, 2x10
One leg Smith glute presses: 20lb+bar, 2x12
One leg Smith press: 50lb+bar, 2x15
Smith bridge: 50lb+bar, 2x10
Not the best workout. I am typically hoping through these moves but today I didn't have headphones on and I kept getting interrupted. I had a limited time frame and was frustrated with my lack of sets on the last burnout exercises. I was trying to rush through them just to get them in - wrong approach I know. Didn't get abs in. OneBreath and I were talking about this last night. I think I am going to just have to do those separately so that I can really focus on them. I am so exhausted by the end of my leg workouts! I know I'm not putting 100% effort into them.