Here is my best shot at describing my plate ab movements. All movements require two paper plates (cheap ones are perfect). You can perform these on a hard surface or rubber flooring. All movements are performed in plank position.
Starting Position: In plank position - arms fully extended - place hands on paper plates. Pull abs in tight and ensure your body is completely straight and parallel to the floor (no butts in the air!). Hands should be located right under your shoulders.
Plank Plate Slides: Move one plate at a time about 1' in front of you. Bring back to start position and move opposite hand forward 1'. Repeat, alternating hands until failure.
Plank Side Swipes: I like to refer to these as wax on, wax off! Move one plate at a time in a wax on motion. Sweeping the plate out to the side and around back to start. Repeat with opposite hand and continue until failure. You can also reverse the movement so that you are waxing off. Repeat until failure.
Plank Plate Slides (2 count): Move one plate about 1' in front of you, then move opposite hand 1' forward to meet first hand. Then bring one plate back in at a time. Out, out, in, in. Repeat until failure.
Plank Ups: These I didn't make up and they don't require paper plates but are one of my favs! From extended arm plank position you go down to your forearms one arm at a time, then back up to hands one at a time. Continue to failure. Keep your body tight and straight the entire time (no wobbling).
Tips: Stabilize your body weight so that you don't shift during movement. Your body should be stiff as a board. Try not to put pressure on your shoulders but rather tighten your abs and put your mental focus there. While teaching someone these he suggested it felt like skiing, but on your hands.
Advanced: Place feet on a step with 2 or 3 risers so that your body is completely parallel to the floor.
Enjoy the burn!
Starting Position: In plank position - arms fully extended - place hands on paper plates. Pull abs in tight and ensure your body is completely straight and parallel to the floor (no butts in the air!). Hands should be located right under your shoulders.
Plank Plate Slides: Move one plate at a time about 1' in front of you. Bring back to start position and move opposite hand forward 1'. Repeat, alternating hands until failure.
Plank Side Swipes: I like to refer to these as wax on, wax off! Move one plate at a time in a wax on motion. Sweeping the plate out to the side and around back to start. Repeat with opposite hand and continue until failure. You can also reverse the movement so that you are waxing off. Repeat until failure.
Plank Plate Slides (2 count): Move one plate about 1' in front of you, then move opposite hand 1' forward to meet first hand. Then bring one plate back in at a time. Out, out, in, in. Repeat until failure.
Plank Ups: These I didn't make up and they don't require paper plates but are one of my favs! From extended arm plank position you go down to your forearms one arm at a time, then back up to hands one at a time. Continue to failure. Keep your body tight and straight the entire time (no wobbling).
Tips: Stabilize your body weight so that you don't shift during movement. Your body should be stiff as a board. Try not to put pressure on your shoulders but rather tighten your abs and put your mental focus there. While teaching someone these he suggested it felt like skiing, but on your hands.
Advanced: Place feet on a step with 2 or 3 risers so that your body is completely parallel to the floor.
Enjoy the burn!