Consuming foods with gi's close to 100, i.e. sugars will flood the bloodstream with glucose. The body's main goal is to regulate a constant level of insulin in the bloodstream. Therefore, when it sees this flood of glucose, the pancreas secretes insulin... a "spike" in this case due to the large amount of glucose being taken in at once. The insuling acts as a shuttling agent and essentially opens up the doors to the muscles' storage areas and stores the glucose in the muscles in teh form of glycogen which has several glucose molecules chained together. Monosaccharides are your best bet to elicit a solid insulin spike. Stick with dextrose. Poly saccharides have to be broken down and processed as monosaccharides before they can be turned into glucose and as a result, you don' t necessarily get an insulin "spike" The only time you really want to utilize an insulin spike is post workout. Your muscles will be in a reparative state and as a result you want to take in a sugar with a whey protein shake so that the insulin shuttles the whey protein (aminos) into the muscle tissue along with the glucose.