This is a point here, whether anyone wants to talk about it or not *sigh* how to put this discretely

hmmm, okay, let's try this:
While enemas are not critical the point needs to be made that if one has not, er, taken a dump recently, one is in NO condition to receive anal
Second point, and this may seem blatently obvious but it's important enough that it bears emphasis:
Gentlemen, you
never go into the vag from the butt,
ever. If you're wearing a rubber you gotta put on a new one; if you're au naturale, the guys have to wash up, INCLUDING taking a pee. The risk for UTI/bladder/vaginal infection is real. The critters that live inside our G.I. tract go totally berserk when they get into the vagina and they can be really nasty, and I don't care if you've done it before and nothing happened.
... and now that I've thoroughly embarassed myself