Aaah, heavy legs - DONE!
OK, I'm going to try this again. A tip, to anyone else who has this problem - oh, and MS, please don't shorten your posts just because of a silly MACHINE - remember - you're smarter than the machine (why am I not smart enough to religiously follow my own advice?): "select all" then ctrl + c BEFORE pressing "submit reply" - that way it's on your clip-pad if the machine has logged you out and sends you to platinum sign up (the secret black hole of Elite), and you emerge victorious: sign in, paste and post!!!! Whoo hay!!!
OR - work in wordpad or MS Word and press save every paragraph - I do this at work for just about everything - whole system crashes about noon every day ...
Now, VLC. I'm going to forgive you for not using the search button on this occasion, since these 2 links are not on Elite itself, but there is a WEALTH of information on refeeds on Elite if you use the search feature.
So, refeeds. First, go here:
and read the articles called "Leptin: The next big thing" Parts I, II, III and IV, in issues #3, #4, #5 and #7. You might have to read them a few times, but they are WELL worth it.
Then, having grounded yourself in some theory, go here:
(courtesy of MS on my thread about refeeds currently just a little way down the women's page) and read the entire thread, paying particular attention to anything Lyle McDonald, Elzi Volk or Par Deus say. While you're there, run a search on variations of the word "refeed" - ~s, ~ing, etc.
Then come back to Elite, and if you still don't feel satisfied, run a search here on refeeds under Par Deus or MS's user names. Also, PwB, Vageta and plornive had some very good posts/comments/q's on refeeds, so you might want to search those names too.
Your other questions: cabbage, broccoli, etc: lightly steamed. Or you could shred the cabbage raw and serve it with a *dash* of soy sauce. Don't BOIL your veggies
I don't know anything about biotest grow, but whey digests much faster than other proteins, so you may not want to be using too much whey except post-w/o. I use a 50% soy isolate, 30% casein 20% whey blend I got from - custom blend - tastes like shit, but like MS said, sure prevents one eating too much of the stuff, lol.
For more information on proteins, go here:
and read all four parts of Lyle's article. The links to parts 2, 3, 4 are in each subsequent part.
Clean food is basically anything that you can pick off a tree, a bush, um, field crop, out of a nest, the ground, or with a shotgun

For you that means egg whites, yams, sweet potatoes, brown/wild rice, any kind of legume - chick peas, black beans, kidney beans etc., - broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc. Avoid pumpkin, peas, carrots (in excess) - you know, northern winter soup type veggies. They're less fibrous, more starchy - you'll be doing yourself out of the nice REALLY glycogen stores filling carbs if you have too many of those. I THINK (???) Hmm, maybe someone can comment on that.
FF cottage cheese is OK, even if you can't pick it off the land - it's still pretty close. The protein in it is casein, slow-absorbing, and it doesn't have too many carbs, unlike milk and yoghurt. The lactose in those breaks down to glucose and galactose, the latter of which refills liver glycogen first, and when you don't have a lot of carbs to go around (which you DON'T, on a diet), you want to be sending what you can to your muscles for ATP/CP replenishment. Skipping the fruit is a good idea for the same reason - fructose refills liver glycogen stores first. Oh, I think, also, there's a connection between liver glycogen stores and fat-burning - your body thinks you're A-OK, ready to go, full of fuel and satiated when liver stores are full - I dunno - someone in the know can clarify here.
GI stuff:
"Does the GI of a food have an effect on perceived fullness? "
YES - high GI usually = sugar = huge blood sugar spike = insulin spike = fat storage and also = blood sugar crash = WANT MORE CARBS NOW!!!!
This is why most of America is obese, and why diabetes and insulin insensitivity are becoming such a problem. Thus, do not eat sugar or high GI foods ever if you can help it, except maybe on refeed days or post-w/o.
For more info on GI values and foods that are low - high GI, go here:
Low GI carbs will promote sustained release of energy into the system, without dips and spikes = GREAT workouts and generally greater feeling of fullness/satiation (mostly because lower GI foods are also higher in fibre).
"What is dextrose, exactly? Is that a sort of sugar?"
Yes. It's up to you, but I'd skip all sugar on a diet (except on refeed days, if that).
OK, now, water: one, it makes you feel full (for about 5 minutes and then you down another glass

two: all of this:
I posted my diet for you before, VLC. I know you weren't too thrilled to see it, but it's the real deal. For now you can probably lose quite steadily just keeping your calories down, eating CLEANLY, drinking tons of water, training like a wild animal, and having a refeed every 2-3 weeks, if that. I'm not sure that you need them at 21%. From 15% down is when you'll really start needing them, but I can't see how a controlled carb-up along the lines of Beverly International (do a search for valerie's posts) would hurt in the meantime.
There will come a point where cottage cheese and carrots actually DO make a difference, but for now, happy reading!
Good luck!
(Oh, and I'm COMPLETELY open to corrections and additions here - there's only so much learning one can do with limited time)