Sorry VLC - I was getting to this, then realised I should try and give the impression of working for a little while ...
Look, to be completely honest - I don't know. I haven't been doing this long enough. But from everything I've read, and questions I've asked and so on, dieting for a long time is a bad idea:
a) because it fucks up your metabolism
b) because it drives you insane
and thus,
c) ultimately results in frustration, anger, depression, despair, etc. etc. because eerything stops working.
Thus it would seem to make more sense to me to do it in steps, i.e. diet now, then ease up a bit for a few months, maintainence calories or a bit more, gain a bit more muscle, then hit the pre-comp. diet hard from a lower bf and fresh metabolism perspective.
I will never ever do a 5-6 month pre-comp again. It drove me insane, and it was hell. And it helped to destroy a few relationships, too.
Your plan sounds OK to me, for now (for a few weeks or so), but might I recommend that you make your *own* pizza, if you HAVE to have it? Wholewheat crust, fat free cheese, reduced oil sauce etc. And eat fat free frozen yoghurt instead of ice-cream? I mean, these are not such difficult options, and better in the long run. If you MUST eat bad carbs and fats - at least separate them. If you read up a bit on insulin and sugar and fat and anabolism and fat storage, you'll see why, especially on a hypercaloric diet, you don't want to mix fat and carbs, ESPECIALLY not simple carbs (pizza crust, lactose in ice-cream) and saturated fats (cream in ice cream and cheese).
You could do sprints/intervals on a couple of your cardio days if you want to do that much cardio - but I would say that that much cardio will be counter to your hope to put on muscle, and will make it more difficult to ramp up to a high level of cardio when comp-prep sets in.
It's nice that you have a training partner. You can motivate each other. Just be aware that if one is losing more than the other, or getting stronger faster, or worse, LOSING motivation, eating a lot of crap, etc. it can be UNhealthy for your goals. This game is so mental it's not funny. A little friendly competition is fine, but I know *I* do much better just kicking my OWN butt.
So, to answer simply. Yes, I think you should keep dieting a few or even a couple more months, then take a break, then go again for the show. But that's just my opinion. Some of the vets on this board may have better ideas ...
Good luck