You're probably not overtraining, then, unless you do 4-5 exercises per bodypart. What you can do is just drop the leg work on friday. Your legs won't grow as quickly but it'd be a way to increase energy for soccer.
while steve over simplified things, i think squatting 3 times a week in additon to playin soccer is over doin it. I'd probably do one day of maximal strength for legs and one more focused on speed strenth.
Nas is obviously a beginner (no offense) so I was trying to put him on the simplest routine which would help prevent overtraining. I don't know him, buit since he's complaining of joint pains, and tiredness, my money goes on he's overtrained
I'll never look like a god because I don't have the genetics. I was typing in some of my recent results doing what I do, but I stopped myself, realizing that my current physical state is irrelevant. Only change matters.
But since people tend to only give credibility to big guys, here's a dude who broke a plateau training the way I train:
Squats 3 X a week is overtraining. Any muscle trained 3 X a week is overtrained. You need to break up your routine. Only do two bodyparts per day and only once a week.