You have had one stress piled on another these past weeks, not to mention you've been eating poorly... all of that adds up to serious emotional seesawing that can thwart even the very best of intentions.
DO the 10 day plan, one day at a time, for ten days. Eat like you mean business, GYM Frisky is damn near ready to roll, USE IT. Dont worry about winning or placing or even competeing: just do what you LOVE to do for 10 days and THEN decide whether to add another ten days or.... maybe by then you will have had the time to count to ten, for real, and see that YOU ARE IN INCREDIBLE SHAPE! That you dedication has paid off a hundred fold since last november and even with the heaps of crap thrown on you, you have kicked ass and it shows.
They all see it, I see it: I am so inspired by you, so damn amazed at your strengths that you push me and those around you to new heights. Your drive and sence of humor in the face of less than stellar support is so damn moving it beggars description.
You are an amazing woman. Inner and physical strength, drive and compassion and the willingness to truely say FUCK EM, its my life.
You're doing great, darlin', in so many ways. Ten days. Just ten. Get through the next ten and i promise you a chef will stock up your pantry and freezer with all the right weapons... even bend a bar or two with ya.
DO the 10 day plan, one day at a time, for ten days. Eat like you mean business, GYM Frisky is damn near ready to roll, USE IT. Dont worry about winning or placing or even competeing: just do what you LOVE to do for 10 days and THEN decide whether to add another ten days or.... maybe by then you will have had the time to count to ten, for real, and see that YOU ARE IN INCREDIBLE SHAPE! That you dedication has paid off a hundred fold since last november and even with the heaps of crap thrown on you, you have kicked ass and it shows.
They all see it, I see it: I am so inspired by you, so damn amazed at your strengths that you push me and those around you to new heights. Your drive and sence of humor in the face of less than stellar support is so damn moving it beggars description.
You are an amazing woman. Inner and physical strength, drive and compassion and the willingness to truely say FUCK EM, its my life.
You're doing great, darlin', in so many ways. Ten days. Just ten. Get through the next ten and i promise you a chef will stock up your pantry and freezer with all the right weapons... even bend a bar or two with ya.